Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Be careful Consuming Supplements

There was no apparent lack of a piece of physical Month, 13 months. However, the anxiety of the mother makes the kid who threw a sweet smile that often gets a daily multivitamin every day.Especially in the rainy season like this, Tanti, 28, was so worried about her baby got sick. The housewife who lives in Calcutta is to imagine the panic that must be endured if the condition occurs. So, he was willing to take an umbrella before it rains. So as not to hurt, the boy was fed a multivitamin supplement. Moreover, he was fascinated many advertising multivitamin supplement products on the screen.
For this reason, Dr. S. Purnamawati Pujiarto, Spak, MMPed also asked the mothers to be careful. This child specialists say, the supplement useful only for people aged 65 years and over. Or persons who in certain circumstances, such as menopause, eating disorders, low-calorie diet. Also those who smoke, consume alcoholic beverages, special diets, designing a pregnancy, have a metabolic disorder, or absorption of food in the body. He reveals, women and children often become victims of various supplement products. With a target market of the Eve, in the market today has outstanding range of products that can prevent a lot of things, such as aging, osteoporosis. In fact, the use of antioxidants - with levels of vitamin A, E, and others - to excess can lead to death. doctor in charge of Medical Care in Kemang, South Jakarta, is expressed, not only children who should be observed from the use of supplements, people in certain conditions must be more careful.
 For example, nursing mothers, pregnant, or suffer from certain diseases, such as hypertension, heart disease, thyroid, diabetes, previous history of stroke, glaucoma, blood clots, depression, mental illness, epilepsy, parkison, enlarged prostate, and organ transplantation. He also quipped a product containing colostrum. "Imagine, how many cows it takes to make that product," he said. According to doctors who are usually called Wati, vitamins and minerals are important in the continuity of the activities of the cells in the body. "But, only needed in small amounts," he said. There are only a few disorders that arise due to vitamin deficiency, but too much can also be dangerous. 
Wati explained, excess water soluble vitamins - vitamins B and C - to create workloads that kidney function is impaired or excessive buildup and lead to kidney stones appeared. While excess fat soluble vitamins - vitamins A, D, E, and K - can overload the liver which can lead to impaired liver function, blood clotting problems, as well as vitamin toxicity. Imagine when these conditions must be faced by children due to his packed supplements continues all the time. 
In fact, many fond mothers who want their children to eat so he bought a special supplement of appetite booster. In fact, said Wati, a kind of supplement that has not been shown to effectively increase the appetite. "In medicine, there is no such thing as an appetite stimulant," he asserted. After all, supplements are not drugs must undergo clinical trials so that we do not know exactly the effectiveness and safety. majority of mothers also want their children to have super endurance so buy the advertised special supplement has the ability to increase immunity. 
Wati firmly stated, there is no cure for the immune system. "Otherwise, it is used for (handling) of HIV," he said. The same thing also expressed special child Zakiudin dr Munasir in different occasions. Zaki said, the immune system can not be governed by one thing. As a result, the child does not need to be given to increase the intake of the immune system is important because the intake is nutritious and balanced. Immunity, as well as other body organs, need capital to work. 
Well, a complete and nutritious dish that can push up balancing out the system works. Wati also advised the mother to provide food ingredients rich in vitamins and a variety of useful substances such as the body, such as fiber, protein and phytochemicals. Remember, too, the results of research of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) that says it is too early vitamin supplementation, it may increase the risk of allergies and asthma in children. As a result, the wish of the child survivors, even so miserable. Are not the parents also are miserable? Source: TEMPO Interactive Tuesday, February 3, 2009 


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