Tuesday, 17 April 2012

algorithms and programming

The algorithm is a sequence of logical steps solving the problems systematically and logically arranged. " Logical word is the key word in the algorithm. The steps in the algorithm must be logical and must be determined is false or true. In some contexts, the algorithm is the specification of the sequence of steps to perform a specific job. Consideration in the selection algorithm is, first, the algorithm must be correct.
This means that the algorithm will give the desired output from a given input. Indifference as good as any algorithm, that gives a wrong output, the algorithm is certainly not a good algorithm. second consideration to note is that we need to know how well the results achieved by the algorithm. This is important especially in algorithms to solve problems that require approximation results (the results of only approach).
A good algorithm should be able to provide results as close as possible to the actual values. Third is the efficiency of the algorithm. The efficiency of the algorithm can be seen from this that the efficiency of time and memory. Although the algorithm gives the correct output (closest), but if we have to wait for hours to get the output, the algorithm is usually not going to wear, everyone wants a fast output. 
So is the memory, the greater the memory in use then the poorer algorithm. In fact, each person can make a different algorithm to solve a problem, although there is a difference in developing the algorithm, we would expect the same output. If it does, look for the most efficient algorithms and fast.


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